
Eagle Rock Baptist Church

Education Faith Based Organizations
Los Angeles, CA

About This Project

A well-established faith-based organization in Los Angeles, Eagle Rock Baptist Church (“ERBC”) needed to identify a tenant to lease existing educational space on its property


Like many faith-based organizations, ERBC’s sustainability relies on revenue generated by the leasing of its existing real estate assets. ERBC came to InSite needing to immediately find a school tenant that could lease its educational facility in the upcoming school year.


InSite’s close relationship with the education community allowed us to quickly market the space to all public schools, private schools, preschools, and colleges in Los Angeles. Our expertise then allowed us to quickly assess the organizations that were interested in leasing the space and determine the most viable and well-suited organization for the church.


After identifying the most viable tenant, InSite was integral in helping the church and its board negotiate a long-term lease with Judson International School.

The lease with Judson not only supported ERBC’s long-term financial health but created a partnership between two mission-aligned organizations for many years to come.